Summer IT Projects

Waiheke IslandMy last exam is all done and dusted, marking the completion of my B.Sc in Computer Science! No time to pat myself on the back for that just yet however.

Here is a list of IT projects I’ll be likely working on for the next couple of months. Hopefully I’ll be able to cross most of them off.

  • Refurbish our server room (done)
  • Recable admin block (done)
  • Consolidate / migrate 4 Windows 2003 physical servers to Windows 2008 R2 running in Hyper-V Core (done)
  • Deploy a Cisco UC520 phone system test phase (done)
  • Create a new Windows 7 deployment for 25 new staff computers (done)
  • Switch over to using UC520 in production (done)
  • Integrate the UC520 with Exchange 2010 (not needed)
  • Get Caller ID integration going with ACT! 6.0 (done)
  • Build a website in Silverstripe (cancelled)
  • Finish the Greymouth Baptist Church website
  • Find a job for 2010, or pursue self employment (done)
  • And if I get time, write my DFSR monitoring tool Windows 2008 (R2?) has a more powerful monitoring tool built in, including propagation testing which is what I was planning on doing.
  • Catch up with friends, family, beach, sun, lake, bike, garden (done)

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